Sunday, May 19

What is Feminist Porn?

Pornography has always been a controversial issue. Does it make men lust more? Does it cause women to be violated and humiliated? Many feminists against it believe that the women are being forced, drugged, or damaged.
But an excerpt from Alison Lee, manager from Good For her, states,
"A porn film can be classified as feminist, I think, as soon as women are taken into account as viewers, and that as actors within the film, their own desires are taken into account. This means basically showing that women have just as much right to erotic entertainment as men do, and their desires and pleasure is important, too. I don't think that feminist porn has to show women at all though, and there is a growing body of excellent smut out there starring trans people (mostly trans men so far) that is looking to show genuine pleasure, consent, and loving relationships outside of the gender binary.
"I think feminists are hungry for erotic entertainment that takes them into account. In the end, we are addressing a growing market, and I hope that more women who don't like porn take a look at some of our winners to see how things could be different, and that the rest of the porn industry starts taking more of our criteria into account!"

Read more:

I believe that porn should not be kept hidden or made a secrete. The more we try to force people to watch porn, or even not discuss their sex lives, the more it is seen as an unnatural thing. Having sex is going to happen no matter if you are heterosexual or homosexual. It is something we long for. Women are constantly being told that they are sluts if they sleep around. Maybe this spin on porn being more feminist is a good thing. If more women were open to their sex lives, and more men realize more women like to have sex, would make this double standard disappear. Women, as well as men, need to realize that masturbation, sex, and watching porn are natural things that we all do at one point in our lives. Plus, who wants to be sexually frustrated? Sex releases those happy endorphines, so get to it. Make yourself happy, and make sure that you are not the only one pleasing, but the favor is returned. 

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