Good Girl Gina Memes are supposed to symbolize a girl who follows her typical gender role. One who is loyal and caring. One who is compassionate and gives. It is a complete sexist meme that was ever created. For instance, the first two I posted. "You Rape Her, SHe Knows She Asked For It." Really... That is the most ignorant thing I have ever read. I feel so sorry for the person who created it. No female, ever asks to be raped. No man should ever have sex with a women when she says no! And the other one is totally sexist because "a women's place is in the kitchen," says no women ever!

The last two are really cool because they are totally open minded, and they are okay with dating someone who is righteously a better person. Someone who knows what they want.
The thing that confuses me the most is that, yes, some of these are borderline sexist while others support feminism, but then there is the one at the very top that completely slaps feminists in the face. How can we change rape culture? How can we get to "Makes you a better person?"

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